Android Crash Course
Learn Live Android programming from Basics to Advance. After completing these classes you will be able to create your own android app and same you can earn money too by publishing it on the play store.
By Yogesh Sharma [Instructor]
5,000+ Students Enrolled
2 Live Hands On Projects
Hand Written Notes & Exercise
Certification & Internship
Batch Details
Batch Overview
- Days:- Weekend Sat & Sunday
- Time:- 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
- Syllabus:- Basic to Adv. Covered
- Recorded Lectures
- Hand-written Notes
- Course Completion Certificate
Learning Objectives :Β In this Android training module, you will learn the basic architecture of Android platform, download the tools used by any Android application developer and use them to create your first Android app. You will also learn how to run android application on emulator & on your own device. We will deep dive into Android application lifecycle and understand the working of event listener
Topics :Β Basics of Android, Android Architecture, Android Studio Setup – Modifying project parameters in Android Studio and Gradle build files, Adding dependencies in Android Studio and Gradle build files,DDMS, Activity Lifecycle, Event Listener
Learning Objectives :Β In this module, you will learn to create a user interface by using the visual tools and the underlying XML. We will deep dive into core of Android layouts and impressive and easy to code android widgets along with Implementing Event Receivers.
Topics :Β LinearLayout, RelativeLayout – Adding a widget to the user’s home screen and updating active home screen widgets, FrameLayout, TableLayout, WebView, CheckBox , RadioButtons, Spinner, AutoCompleteTextView, CardView, TimePicker, DatePicker Dialog, BroadcastReceivers (System & Custom), LocalBroadcastManager
Learning Objectives :Β In this module, you will be able to create applications with multiple activities and learn to share information between multiple activities with the help of Intents and fragements. Also you will be able to generate notifications in android.
Topics :Β Activities – Persisting application state during configuration changes and creating activity hierarchies, Fragments, Explicit and Implicit intents – Navigating between activities using intents, Using NotificationCompact to Show Notifications – UsingPendingIntentto package and send a delayed action, Services for executing background work, UsingJobSchedulerfor syncs and periodic tasks, and Scheduling time sensitive tasks with alarms
Learning Objectives :In this module you will learn to implement different collections widgets available in android like GridView, ListView and RecyclerView. We will also learn to implement one of the four essential components of Android development, which is Broadcast Receivers. We will also deep divining into Android canvas framework, which lets you draw different shapes on the screen.
Topics :Β GridView, ListView – Building layouts using XML and Java code and Grouping common UI design elements with styles, RecyclerView – Handling item touch interactions in a RecyclerView, DrawerLayout – Providing alternative resources for device configuration changes, Canvas & Paint – Customizing the application theme, Extending framework UI components to create custom views and validating application layouts properly respond to accessibility events, Constructing Option menus for action bar navigation
Learning Objectives :Β In this module you will learn most important persistent frameworks in Android system, which is SharedPreference, and Android File System. We will learn to implement different types of animations provided by android system to create impressive android applications.
Topics :Β Internal & External File Storage, haredPreference – Creating settings UI using the preferences framework and reacting to changes in a Shared Preferences instance, MediaPlayer & VideoView, Tween Animation, View Property Animation, FrameAnimation
Learning Objectives :Β In this module you will learn android location framework like GoogleMaps and Geocoder, which will help you to integrate location related functionality in your applications. You would also learn to draw markers on the map to show targeted locations to user and also perform animated zooming over the map.
Topics :Β Fetch Users Current Location, Reverse Geocoding using Geocoder, MapFragment, Showing Current Location on Map, Showing Markers on Map, Exploring different Map Types Animated Zooming using Camera
Learning Objectives :Β In today’s world what app doesn’t make use of saving and retrieving data? You will be learning most common mechanisms for doing this. You will learn to use android SQLite framework. Also you will see how the data can be saved in database asynchronously. After completing database we will learn how to use few of the most famous and efficient third party libraries in our application like image loading, database implementation while writing minimal code.
Topics :Β Using SQLiteOpenHelper – Accessing static bundled data in assets (e.g. premade databases, config files), SQLite Data Types, Maping between Table & Widgets using CursorAdapters, Async CursorLoader , Palette for extracting colors from images, Picasso for Image Loading & Caching, ButterKnife for Injecting Views, TimesSquare for showing CalendarView, Cupboard for ORM
Learning Objectives :Β In this final lesson, you will learn to use Android Studio much more efficiently; we will create one live application end to end to revise the concepts we learnt earlier. We will be signing the application using our newly generated keystore and then you will learn how to submit an application to Google Play to share with the world.
Topics :Β Debugging Applications, End to End App Development including writing and executing automated unit tests on the local JVM, writing and executing automated instrumentation tests on an Android device, using the system log output (andlogcattools) to trace code execution, locating an error from the stack trace of an uncaught exception and using Strict Mode to locate and report threading violations and leaks, Using Proguard to obfuscate applications, Generating Signing Keys, Publish the application on Google Play Store (Live Demo), Doubts & QueriesUsing Proguard to obfuscate applications
How Live Android Classes will be conducted?
Your One Stop Destination For Success

1. Enroll Into the Class
After successful enrollment into the class, you will be receiving confirmation mail and payment receipt of enrolled course.

2. add you to our whatsapp group
our team will add you to our live android classes group. Where you will be getting zoom/gmeet joining link of class. Same in group study material will also be shared.

3. Join LIVE Android Classes
Every weekend live classes will be there and students have to attend them. The same recorded lectures will also be shared if student miss then they can watch recorded lectures. Doubt session will also be conducted.

4. build LIVE android apps
After teaching is complete, we will be making live android apps. From these, you will learn how practically android apps are developed and published.

certification & Internship
After successfully learning android app development using java next step is to get the certification. Also, Tour2Tech conducts an exam, if you pass that exam then you get the opportunity to do an internship at Tour2Tech.
How Live Android Classes will be conducted?
Your One Stop Destination For Success

1. Enroll Into the Class
After successful enrollment into the class, you will be receiving confirmation mail and payment receipt of enrolled course.

2. add you to our WhatsApp group
our team will add you to our live android classes group. Where you will be getting the zoom/gmeet joining link of class. Same in group study material will also be shared.

3. Join LIVE Android Classes
Every weekend live classes will be there and students have to attend them. The same recorded lectures will also be shared if student miss then they can watch recorded lectures. Doubt session will also be conducted.

4. build LIVE android apps
After teaching is complete, we will be making live android apps. From these, you will learn how practically android apps are developed and published.

certification & Internship
After successfully learning android app development using java next step is to get the certification. Also, Tour2Tech conducts an exam, if you pass that exam then you get the opportunity to do an internship at Tour2Tech.