
Exams are online or offline? Decision on SPPU exams.

The number of cases of the omicron virus is increasing day by day. Due to the widespread of omicron, the chances of the third wave are more. Everyone is curious to know will SPPU exams be online or offline.

A few weeks ago, the state Higher Education department gave permission for offline classes for all degree students of Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU). The chances of offline examination only for final year students could be high.

To maintain standard in results, Universities examination and department has suggested that examination be held offline for students.

The director of the board of examination and evaluations, Mahesh Kakade said that a meeting will be scheduled soon and the final decision is yet to come.

Based on the current situation, we can predict the upcoming decision and the final decision is from BoE. Also, with the omicron, the situation is evolving. Hence we are preparing ourselves both for online and offline exams.

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